24 Skadoo to You

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24 Skadoo To You: Phil In The Blanks | Ep 173 | Navigating Narcissism pt 2: Gaslighting An...


Saturday, December 30, 2023

Phil In The Blanks | Ep 173 | Navigating Narcissism pt 2: Gaslighting An...

Dr. Phil continues discussing narcissism and focuses on covert narcissism, which is more subtle than classic narcissism. Narcissists have a false sense of superiority and lack empathy. Covert narcissists have the same traits as classic narcissists but express them in more subtle ways. They manipulate and gaslight their partners, are judgmental, and envious. Dr. Phil emphasizes the importance of setting boundaries and not trying to fix narcissists. The series aims to provide insight and help people manage or protect themselves from narcissistic individuals.

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